FIX for html stripped by Xss:filterAdmin() in TocBuilder::buildContent()

Created on 19 July 2018, over 6 years ago
Updated 23 November 2023, over 1 year ago

Some HTML will be stripped by TOC API when TocBuilder::buildContent() is wrapping the altered html in a '#markup' render element.

Examples are youtube embed stripped out, or images not loading (since img-tags augmented by the popular blazy lazy image loading module uses a "data:" prefix in its "src" attributes). If you use youtube embed or blazy image lazy loading in e.g. a paragraph field that you enhance with TOC API, your browser is hence not showing those elements.

This happens because that render element passes everything through Xss:filterAdmin(), which will strip out some HTML code no matter what you specify as #allowed_tag in that render element:

   public function buildContent(TocInterface $toc) {
     return [
      '#markup' => $this->renderContent($toc),
      '#allowed_tag' => Xss::getAdminTagList(),

A fix is quite simple (see patch below): Instead of using a #markup render element, build a render array with another mechanism, that won't touch the built HTML, e.g. an inline template:

   public function buildContent(TocInterface $toc) {
     return [
      '#type' => 'inline_template',
      '#template' => '{{ content|raw }}',
      '#context' => [
        'content' => $this->renderContent($toc),

Please help to review, discuss and bring this improvement to the TOC API module.

🐛 Bug report

Needs work





Created by

🇩🇪Germany danielnolde

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  • 🇳🇿New Zealand ericgsmith

    I'm bumping priority as this patch is pretty essential IMO.

    Have tested it and it resolves the issue as described - leaving as needs work as still needs tests as noted about (side note - the existing module tests are not working and no automation is currently set up either)

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