- 🇫🇷France paul_leclerc Lausanne Switzerland
#17 I'm not able to approved it but it saved my day.
thanks ankithashetty
In some cases it would be usefull to disable some options of a radio group without deleting the item. Currently there is an option to disable the whole element only.
I had a simple usecase when in an event registration form there is a radio group for the hotel selection for the event. If one Hotel is full then I would like to disable it (not to delete it because then the already registred values are lost).
It would be simple to add a checkbox (enabled/disabled) to every options pair on element creation page.
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
#17 I'm not able to approved it but it saved my day.
thanks ankithashetty