Unable to install and use View PDF

Created on 18 December 2017, about 7 years ago
Updated 26 January 2023, almost 2 years ago


I have Acquia Desktop installed in my local (Drupal version: 7.56) . I'm trying to get the "Views_PDF" module working but under Drupal modules>Views_PDF, it says Libraries (missing) error. I followed two approaches that I could find:

Approach 1:
Followed the instructions in the link below:
https://www.drupal.org/project/views_pdf β†’
Per the link, for the libraries, i have downloaded the latest version of required Libraries. i.e. TCPDF (version: 6_0) and FPDI (version: 2.0.1)

Approach 2:
Followed the instructions in the link below:
https://www.drupal.org/node/1086584 β†’
Per the link, for the libraries, i have downloaded the mentioned version of required Libraries. i.e. TCPDF (version: 6.0.020), FPDI (version: 1.4.4) and FPDF_TPL 1.2.3

Placed the Libraries under : sites/all/Libraries/tcpdf and sites/all/Libraries/fpdi folders

In both these cases, in Drupal under 'Modules' > "Views_PDF" section, it gives below message. Have also attached the Screenshot.
Requires: Views (enabled), Chaos tools (enabled), jQuery Update (enabled), Libraries (missing)

I tried reinstalling the "Views_PDF" module but no luck. Am i missing something?

Any help is appreciated.


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