- πΊπΈUnited States DrupalHack
Updated for 10.2.
I'm not able to recreate the original issue. To be sure production users don't see either a site message or php error, I'm updating the patch rather than removing it.
Steps to repeat:
1. Add a Text (plain) field to a content type
2. Edit the display of the field and check "Link to the Content" setting in the format settings.
3. Display the field in the default view mode
3. Create a new node and click "Preview" before saving.
Expected Results:
User sees preview of content
Actual Results:
PHP Error: Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityMalformedException: The "node" entity cannot have a URI as it does not have an ID in Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity->toUrl() (line 180 of /home/d2xle/www/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Entity.php).
Closed: duplicate
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Updated for 10.2.
I'm not able to recreate the original issue. To be sure production users don't see either a site message or php error, I'm updating the patch rather than removing it.