Remove orphan components in EntityDisplay* config entity on save?

Created on 22 August 2017, over 7 years ago
Updated 24 April 2024, 8 months ago


I found that components from e.g. hook_entity_extra_field_info() are not removed after the extra field is gone.

(part of this issue text is copied from

Technical observations

The entries, for both regular fields and extra fields, are stored in EntityDisplayBase::$content.

In the schema, defined in core.entity.schema.yml, we find

      type: sequence

Once an entry is saved there, it stays until something calls $display->removeComponent($name), and saves the display afterwards.
For this, the caller needs to know the name to remove.
I did not find any operation that would remove all unknown components.

Steps to reproduce

(This is the easiest to reproduce, but a bit artificial)

  1. (Install Drupal with standard profile, export configuration to `./config/sync/`.)
  2. Edit `config/sync/core.entity_view_display.node.article.default.yml`. Insert a new field display entry, name it 'zzz', and copy the display settings from 'body'.
  3. Import the modified config (drush cim)
  4. Visit `/admin/structure/types/manage/article/form-display`. Optionally change display settings for some fields. Save the form.
  5. Export the config (drush cex)

Expected behavior: The entry for 'zzz' gets removed.
Actual behavior: The entry for 'zzz' stays in the display.

  1. Download (I tried 8.x-1.0-alpha2). (The question is not about this module, it is just a useful example)
  2. Enable extra_field and extra_field_example modules.
  3. Visit admin/structure/types/manage/article/display, position the extra fields from the module, and click "Save".
  4. Uninstall extra_field and extra_field_example modules.
  5. Visit again admin/structure/types/manage/article/display, click "Save".
  6. Implement hook_node_view() in a custom module somewhere, and dpm($display->getComponents()) (using devel, obviously). Rebuild the cache to discover the hook. Visit a page where an article node is displayed.

Expected behavior: The components from the extra fields from extra_field_example should be gone now.

Actual behavior: The components still contain the keys from extra_field_example. E.g. "extra_field_all_nodes".

  1. Declare base fields for an entity type. Either by using a hook, or by changing the entity type definition directly.
  2. Place the base fields in a view or form display. Save.
  3. Remove the base fields, by removing the respective code.
  4. Open the display form, and save it.
  5. Use `drush cex`, or core config module, or the devel `dpm($display->getComponents())` as above, to inspect the configuration.

Expected behavior: The display components from the removed base fields are gone.

Actual behavior: The display components from the removed base fields are still present in the display configuration.

Proposed resolution

One opportunity to remove the orphan entries would be in EntityDisplayFormBase::submitForm().
More specifically, in EntityDisplayFormBase::copyFormValuesToEntity().

Maybe there could be a message and a checkbox in the field_ui form:
"Orphan entries were detected. Remove orphan entries on form submit?"

Another opportunity would be during cron, perhaps.

If not, there should at least be documentation for a module developer how to clean those entries.

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Release notes snippet

🐛 Bug report



11.0 🔥


Last updated about 16 hours ago

Created by

🇩🇪Germany donquixote

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  • First commit to issue fork.
  • 🇩🇪Germany donquixote

    I notice this also happens with entity base fields.

    I had the following scenario:
    - I worked on a feature that adds a new custom entity type.
    - I add base fields.
    - I exported the view and form display.
    - Now I add entity bundles and replace the base fields with field UI fields.
    - I export the view and form display again.

    Expected: Base fields are removed from form and view display.
    Actual: Base fields remain in the form and view display, even after re-saving the form or view config.

  • 🇩🇪Germany donquixote

    Adding two more scenarios:
    - One that is very easy to reproduce.
    - One that is explicitly about base fields.

  • 🇩🇪Germany donquixote

    I think we should do housekeeping in the following situations:
    - When the entity view or form display form is submitted.
    - As a separate command (e.g. drush) or on a dedicated page to do this kind of clean-up.

    I don't think we can rely only on specific events.
    E.g. when we change the code of a custom module, no event will fire. Especially if we start with an older database dump that knows nothing about fields that were previously added.

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