- 🇺🇸United States mile23 Seattle, WA
The patch in #11 no longer applies. The reason is that Drupal core now uses this line to do the directory discovery, after #3035312: Move file_scan_directory() to file_system service → :
foreach (\Drupal::service('file_system')->scanDirectory($directory, '/\.php$/', $ignore) as $file) {
That is, the system under test is discovering the tests.
That means that while there's probably test coverage for the file_system service, it also means that the test coverage for the file_system service is potentially discovered by the file_system service.
Therefore it's impossible to ascertain whether the goal of test coverage for run-test's
feature is met, though we could probably just go on assuming our quality is high without any data, which seems to be The Drupal Way.It's also unclear whether anyone really wants to go about gathering the data which would help us understand the quality of the product, so I'm going to set this issue as Active. If anyone wants to champion this cause they can pick it up.