The help text of the drush command shows the following output:
drush config-partial-export --config Export configuration; Save files in a backup directory named
core.date_format.long config-export.
config Configuration keys, comma separated
label A config directory label (i.e. a key in $config_directories
array in settings.php). Defaults to 'sync'
Upon reading this, I expect to be able to supply both the list of partial configs and the specific config directory I want to export it.
Upon entering a valid or invalid config directory label, I am prompted to "Choose a destination." with a list of the targets (that also show the same labels I entered).
We need to do one of the following:
1. Switch "destination" to an option that prompts these options, e.g. "--select-destination"
2. Fix the destination parameter (or, alternatively remove it)
3. Both
My recommendation is to respect an optional destination parameter (fix it) and offer the --select-destination for the current behavior. This seems to be the most robust and flexible option.