Order feedback functionality is missing

Created on 25 November 2016, over 8 years ago
Updated 6 November 2023, over 1 year ago

I am still in the early stages of learning, but I could not find any support for processing the results of Amazon orders.

My expectations are that a sale on Amazon would result in the following automatic action on the Drupal side:
- creation of a commerce order so that it can be fulfilled
- decrement of the commerce_stock level value to reflect the sale of an item

I was able to manually queue a Sold Listings Report via the admin interface and manually invoke individual cron tasks to obtain the resulting reports and then view the Sold Listings Reports (which appeared to be correct).

But no action was taken on my local Drupal system based upon the information. My local inventory (commerce_stock) value was unchanged and I did not have an order created on my local Drupal system.

Maybe this functionality is outside the scope of this module? My desire is to use Drupal as a backend inventory control and order fulfillment system. Inclusion of the ability to feed commerce_stock inventory levels to Amazon seems to be inline with my expectations.

The end result of my tests of manually running all of the amazon cron tasks was that my product inventory on Amazon was updated to reflect the results prior to any sales.

Sales on Amazon has no effect upon my Drupal - Amazon system.

A search of the code base for the commerce_stock field revealed only a single hit in the map.json_sample. this seems to imply that my desired functionality is totally missing?

🐛 Bug report




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