- 🇬🇧United Kingdom Eli-T Manchester
Here is a reroll of the patch in [2772847-59] against 2.0.x HEAD.
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom Eli-T Manchester
Do not use the patch in 62, it contains errors. Reroll of the reroll incoming.
- Merge request !12Issue #2772847: Add support for private uploads / presigned URLs → (Open) created by Eli-T
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom Eli-T Manchester
Note I've discussed this with @deviantintegral and they no longer have a use for this patch. This issue may be closed once I have no further need for it unless anyone else comments that they still require it.
- Status changed to Needs work
about 1 year ago 1:48pm 4 January 2024 - 🇬🇧United Kingdom Eli-T Manchester
Needs reroll to apply against 2.1.x following [#3409513]
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom Eli-T Manchester
Apologies, my PHPStorm settings have mangled the formatting in that push. Will rectify forthwith...
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom Eli-T Manchester
For some reason* the patch generated on gitlab for the current state of this merge request won't apply against current 2.1.x, but a manually generated diff between the merge request branch and 2.1.x will. This is v odd especially as the MR will merge without conflicts.
So here's a patch.
*probably because I somehow did something wrong merging in the changes commit in 📌 Fix PHPCS and PHPStan issues reported by Gitlab CI Fixed 🤷♀️
- Status changed to Postponed
about 1 year ago 11:59am 10 January 2024