Views Slideshow not displayed on anonymous home page

Created on 26 April 2016, about 8 years ago
Updated 2 December 2023, 7 months ago

Hello! I'm having trouble displaying a Views Slideshow β†’ block on the anonymous home page.

The good news is that the setup is working, as seen in the below screenshot of the Preview of the Home (anonymous) page at admin/structure/pages/edit/page-commons_home. Details of the setup mostly follows what is described here or here or here.

Image by Louis Coyle.

The images cycle through without a problem, and everything seems fine until I save and open up a private window to view the home page as an anonymous user, at which point I am only able to see the lorem ipsum text and the footer.

Relevant settings information from admin/structure/block/manage/views/slideshow-block/configure:

  • Pages: Restricted to certain pages (<front> only.)
  • Content types: Not restricted (No options selected under "Show block for specific content types".)
  • Roles: Not restricted (No options selected under "Show block for specific roles".)

The block itself is added under Main Content at admin/structure/block.
When the Pages setting is set to unrestricted, the slideshow shows up in other places, such as the user account settings page, but not the front page as intended.

I've tried the following:

  • Taking the <front> restriction out.
  • Adding the home page URL (taken from admin/config/system/site-information) to the restriction.
  • Restricting the Content type to that of the slideshow type.

I clear the cache each time just to be safe, so I'm puzzled as to what could be going wrong in between successfully generating a Preview and publishing it on the home page.

Thank you so much for your help!

πŸ’¬ Support request






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    Involves, uses, or integrates with views. In Drupal 8 core, use the β€œVDC” tag instead.

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