Automated emails are not being sent upon new user registration and password reset.

Created on 3 April 2016, over 8 years ago
Updated 2 December 2023, 10 months ago


  • Automated emails are not being sent (i.e. new registration welcome email, password reset email).
  • I do receive the "A welcome message with further instructions has been sent to your e-mail address." and "Further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address." alert immediately following the registration/password reset form submission.
  • The new user does show up on the /admin/people list, with Last Access as "never".
  • I unsuccessfully attempted new user registration with several different Gmail and email addresses.
  • The site email is a Gmail address.


  • Drupal version 7.43
  • Drupal Commons 7.x-3.35
  • Chaos tool suite (ctools) 7.x-1.9
  • Email Registration (email_registration) 7.x-1.3
  • Entity API (entity) 7.x-1.7
  • Entity tokens (entity_token) 7.x-1.7
  • Registration (registration) 7.x-1.6

Is there a known solution to this problem? If not, is there a way to complete the new user registration (i.e. have the user pick a password) at the user/register screen? Would it be possible to send out password reset emails some other way?

I'm new to Drupal, so please let me know if there is a debug procedure that I can follow to improve this support request. Thank you so much!

💬 Support request





Email Notifications

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