The Workflow module provides the following Actions, already since D7 versions:
- Change a node to new (given) Workflow state
- Change a node to next Workflow state
They should also work with the contrib
Views Bulk Operations (VBO) →
In D7, These actions were implemented in submodule workflow_actions.
The actions can be found under admin/config/system/actions .
However, the submodule workflow_actions does not provide actions - it provides triggers. So, when porting to D8, rename the module to 'workflow_trigger'.
The triggers can be seen under /admin/structure/trigger/node, and consists of a list of entries like:
Trigger: When node <node_type> moves <field_name> from <from-state> to <to_state>
Trigger module is removed from core. See
#764558: Remove Trigger module from core →
and →
for the current status.
In D8, both actions are ported as an Action plugin in workflow/src/Plugin/Action.
They can be found under admin/config/system/actions when enabling the core Actions module.
The Actions UI module is deprecated in Drupal 10.3 and will be removed from Drupal 11.0 →
In D9, when testing, some errors were found, and also a lot of @todo code.
- config was not written;
- schema.yml files are not complete;
- only applicable for 'node' entity types;
- ...
Action UI →
module as per 10.3.
- When working with VBO, add the Global: Views bulk operations field to the view. There, you can disable the 'confirmation step' per each added Action..
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