- 🇬🇧United Kingdom manarth
The 7.x branch is deprecated and isn't expected to have any further updates. Closing this ticket as part of the issue-queue clean-up.
Would it be possible to see the name of the file uploaded and not just the temporary upload file name?
Users are confused by the message 'No viruses found in tmp/ffeeiAedf.' They complain that they don't know what file that is because that name doesn't match the name of the file they uploaded. It causes even more confusion when they are uploading multiple files.
Closed: outdated
User interface
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
The 7.x branch is deprecated and isn't expected to have any further updates. Closing this ticket as part of the issue-queue clean-up.