- 🇬🇧United Kingdom manarth
The 7.x branch is deprecated and isn't expected to have any further updates. Closing this ticket as part of the issue-queue clean-up.
I have installed the Antivirus module and enabled the ClamAV scanner. I ran a scan of files in the public folder which runs okay but I am receiving the following:
User notice: Antivirus: <pre>'/usr/bin/clamscan \'/app/drupal/sites/mysite/files/\''</pre> in trigger_error() (line 7522 of /app/drupal/includes/common.inc).
User notice: Antivirus error output: <pre>''</pre> in trigger_error() (line 7522 of /app/drupal/includes/common.inc).
User notice: Antivirus output: <pre>'/app/drupal/sites/mysite/files/banner.jpg: OK /app/drupal/sites/mysite/files/tagscsv.csv: OK /app/drupal/sites/mysite/files/sm_banner.jpg: OK /app/drupal/sites/mysite/files/reddisplay.jpg: OK ----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- Known viruses: 3974168 Engine version: 0.98.3 Scanned directories: 1 Scanned files: 8 Infected files: 0 Data scanned: 0.29 MB Data read: 0.26 MB (ratio 1.10:1) Time: 13.824 sec (0 m 13 s) '</pre> in trigger_error() (line 7522 of /app/drupal/includes/common.inc).
at the same time it says:
No viruses found in /app/drupal/sites/mysite/files/.
The user notices appear to be legitimate output, perhaps from the ClamAV scanner, that is being reported as notices.
Closed: outdated
Antivirus Integration
The 7.x branch is deprecated and isn't expected to have any further updates. Closing this ticket as part of the issue-queue clean-up.