- πΊπΈUnited States tr Cascadia
Drupal 7 is no longer supported.
If this is still a problem in Drupal 10 or Drupal 11, using Radioactivity 4, then please open a new issue with instructions for how to reproduce the problem.
We are trying to achieve a Most Popular block but each time a content is a viewed, the energy field stays to 0 instead of incremeting.
We have configured Live storage and act as counter for the behaviour but it doesn't works.
We just want the module and the energy field to act as a counter so we can order by desc the view to show most viewed ( aka most popular ) content first.
Also in recent entry log we have the following error but we dont know how to fix it ?
Storage for field field_popularity not found for article. Please change it in the field configuration.
field_popularity is the field used to store energy
article is the content type
Could anyone help us on this ?
Here's an export of the configuration :
$radioactivity_decay_profile = new stdClass();
$radioactivity_decay_profile->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default radioactivity_decay_profile disabled initially */
$radioactivity_decay_profile->api_version = 1;
$radioactivity_decay_profile->machine_name = 'increments_when_artic';
$radioactivity_decay_profile->name = 'Increments when article is being read';
$radioactivity_decay_profile->description = 'Each time an article is read, its counter increase by one.
There\'s no time factor to this.';
$radioactivity_decay_profile->enable_decay = 0;
$radioactivity_decay_profile->granularity = '60';
$radioactivity_decay_profile->half_life = 2160;
$radioactivity_decay_profile->cut_off = '10';
$radioactivity_decay_profile->storage = 'Live'; // File doesnt works as well
Closed: cannot reproduce
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Drupal 7 is no longer supported.
If this is still a problem in Drupal 10 or Drupal 11, using Radioactivity 4, then please open a new issue with instructions for how to reproduce the problem.