In Drupal 7 there is a setting to limit the number of items processed per cron run. This is intended to allow you to tune your site so it processes as many items (usually nodes) as possible without timing out. When choosing the appropriate value the user needs to take account of both the power of the server and the complexity of each node. The complexity may vary from one content type to another, or even one node to another if a node can be translated. There are also questions about how multiple indexes interact, especially if multiple search pages share the same index (if you don't understand this sentance, don't worry).
It would be better if the user could choose a total amount of time that they are happy to index nodes for. We can then internally divide that time between the indexes that have unindexed content.
This would involve replacing one setting with another, and would need a small API change, as we would need to pass a 'max processing time' parameter when triggering indexing on a search page.
11.0 🔥
It affects the ability to upgrade Drupal sites to a new major version. Preferred over version-specific tags such as D7 upgrade path.
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It's likely this issue predates some issue and comment data are missing.