Bootstrap 3 donations

Created on 24 September 2013, about 11 years ago
Updated 15 October 2013, almost 11 years ago

@webindustries has very generously donated $100 to me on gittip. I greatly appreciate this and never expected this much, as @mark has stated there have been multiple people work towards BS3.

Depending on how @webindustries wants to go ahead how about this (as they may not respond and I may get another $100 next week). I'm happy to share this out with the other people who have worked on this release of Bootstrap as an even split between 9 or 10 of us, some people will have worked more and some less but if we try to work it out any other way it'll get messy. We don't want to lose sight that we're exceptionally grateful for any money that helps us write code which we need because we enjoy it. This way everyone gets a few beers or whatever they wish.

Personally I'm not a huge fan of gittip but I'll get in touch with the people @mark listed (below) to get them on there if they're not already as it'll get tricky otherwise. You donate an amount and it goes out on a thursday right?
@markcarver, @valkum, @kslonka, @heylookalive, @tr33m4n, @el7cosmos, @tripox, @Denes.Szabo, @danillonunes

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🇬🇧United Kingdom heylookalive

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