Add N'ko to l.d.o

Created on 3 September 2013, about 11 years ago
Updated 22 February 2023, over 1 year ago

Please add N'ko language to (I did check at that there is no existing issue for this language)
N'ko is the name of a script designed by Solomana Kante in 1949 as transcription system Mandingo languages ​​in West Africa. N'ko the word means "I say" in all languages ​​mended.
N'ko is spoken by over 40 million people who regident mostly in the Mandingo takes over two thirds of West Africa.

📌 Task

Postponed: needs info




New language request

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  • Of course N'ko is a scribe. But it is above all the name of a set of Mandingo languages including Maninka, Bambara and Jula and which have the same grammatical rules. You will find it in Windows, Android and iOS as well. For example in Windows you will find N'ko (Maninka), N'ko (Jula), N'ko (Bambara), N'ko (Mandenko) and N'ko (N'KO) the common. The difference lies in the countries where the language is spoken. In Guinea it's Maninka and in Senegal it's Maninka, in Mali it's Bambara, in Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso it's Jula, in Gambia it's Mandenko. In the literature they all use the name N'ko because they are the same spellings, the same grammatical rules. But on the street there are differences in pronunciation. This is why we always use N'ko wherever we want to introduce our language. There is an N'ko academy, but there is no academy for each dialect mentioned above.

  • 🇺🇸United States dww

    I marked 📌 Add N'ko language to l.d.o Closed: duplicate duplicate with this. No objection to adding the language at all. We just need a bit more info before we can proceed here.

    I've been going through this process, trying to add the Hawaiian language to Drupal. I wrote up a handbook page to describe what I've learned so far:

    It starts by documenting all the information we need to be able to create a new language on Please provide that info for the N'ko language and someone will create the group ASAP.


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