Profuse memory load by using Link module with Views

Created on 25 March 2013, over 11 years ago
Updated 18 May 2023, over 1 year ago

1. Create a content type with many fields, including a link field.
2. Create a few items of content.
3. Enable devel and Views with autopreview.
4. Create a view and load the fields individually.
5. Add a Views PHP field with this output code:


The Views automatic preview is likely to freeze your computer. :) If not, Devel will report some fantastic memory usage (on my system it was over 400MB for a View with a single item).

Sorry for the scarce details but I'm travelling at the moment. I'll be back at the weekend and will follow up. Please let me know if you can reproduce this issue, there is a slight chance that this is not a bug but something specific to my site.

However, reverting to Link 1.0 seems to have solved my problem.

🐛 Bug report

Postponed: needs info





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