- π¨π¦Canada lindsay.wils
Hello, this is a very old issue, but is anyone aware of a sub module that has been built for this? It seems like it should be default functionality when using the Domain module, but seems it is not. I have not been able to find a relevant Domain sub module that provides this functionality. Any direction would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
They added a hook in the Drupal 7 version: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/linkit/-/commit/4a5a1b87d755089c47982...
I think that was lost in Linkit v6 and the latest 7.
I think this issue would fix it though: https://www.drupal.org/project/linkit/issues/3366761 β¨ Provide a hook/event for modifying the suggestions list Active
If a hook gets added, I'd be happy to attempt a linkit_domain module.