- πΊπΈUnited States wylbur Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
The redirect works when domain access is not involved. The module listed above provides an option for creating domain specific redirects, so marking this as works as designed.
Redirect not domain aware, two of the same redirects from different domains give hash key collision
site_a.com -> add a rule
log into your domain site
site_b.com -> add a rule
You get the usual error about the rule already existing.
Also confusing if you edit the rule from the other domain, it rewrites the label with the correct domain prefix so the UI appears that it is domain aware, but it is not.
Closed: works as designed
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
The redirect works when domain access is not involved. The module listed above provides an option for creating domain specific redirects, so marking this as works as designed.