PDOException if no image field selected

Created on 28 August 2012, over 12 years ago
Updated 12 March 2024, 12 months ago

Hi guys,

there are a problem. My content type has two image fields, one for the teaser and one more for the noun images. If the user doesn't choose one of the image fields for download, he will get a PDOException at the end of the creation process.

So, the module is not able to handle the empty case. Sorry that I can not propose a problem-solving

Here is the error, which I got.

PDOException: SQLSTATE[21S01]: Insert value list does not match column list: 1136 Column count doesn't match value count at row 1: INSERT INTO {field_data_field_images_download} (entity_type, entity_id, revision_id, bundle, delta, language, field_images_download_download_fields, field_images_download_download_label) VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2, :db_insert_placeholder_3, :db_insert_placeholder_4, :db_insert_placeholder_5, :db_insert_placeholder_6_field_images, :db_insert_placeholder_6_field_image_teaser, :db_insert_placeholder_7); Array ( [:db_insert_placeholder_0] => node [:db_insert_placeholder_1] => 10 [:db_insert_placeholder_2] => 10 [:db_insert_placeholder_3] => blog [:db_insert_placeholder_4] => 0 [:db_insert_placeholder_5] => und [:db_insert_placeholder_7] => Alle Bilder der aktuellen Seite downloaden. [:db_insert_placeholder_6_field_images] => field_images [:db_insert_placeholder_6_field_image_teaser] => field_image_teaser ) in field_sql_storage_field_storage_write() (line 448 of .../modules/field/modules/field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.module).
🐛 Bug report






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