Created on 17 July 2012, over 12 years ago
Updated 5 August 2024, 7 months ago

My object is to build a theme that bringing the latest jquery mobile to drupal instantly.

Document here

Required modules
mobile tools (optional)


Standard theme installation applies.
Enable it.

Build your mobile views
1. add a new imagecache preset

name: mobile_thumb (in this example)
scale & crop: 60x60

2. use views build a frontpage

Style: HTML List
Row style: Fields

Content: field_image with imagecache "mobile_thumb" (Exclude from display)
Node: Teaser (Exclude from display)
Node: Title with link to node (Rewrite the output of title field as below)


3. install Mobile Tools module
or, edit the settings.php.

make the view above as the frontpage of your mobile domain.

that's all.

1. open "admin/build/menu/add",
add a new menu named "mobile-primary".
this theme willl use this seperated menu if exists, instead of the "primary-link".

2. clone the mobile_frontpage view to another,
for example, mobile/term/%, content/type/% with appropriate arguments.

3. add links to menu "mobile-primary"...

there's only one region named "content-secondary", which will display on the left or bottom depending on the screen size (pad? or phone).

📌 Task

Closed: outdated



Created by

🇨🇳China ispboy

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