Add i18n support to

Created on 20 December 2011, about 13 years ago
Updated 27 May 2024, 8 months ago

For foreign developers who don't use English on a regular basis (e.g. Chinese developers), it's very hard for them to read English documentations. It will be extremely helpful, if we can add i18n support to and documentation pages on d.o, so that people can start translating documentation when needed or interested. i18n support can also keep the translations in the same structure as their original pages.

I realize this request involves a big change, but I hope this issue can start the discussion.

Feature request

Closed: won't fix





Created by

🇨🇳China skyredwang Shanghai

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  • 🇪🇸Spain fjgarlin

    is it possible for me or anyone to request a sandbox of

    Yes, the new version of the "API" module comes with a full demo that you can install locally:

    This matches 99% what's on so you can play with it.

    My biggest worry, already mentioned above, is the maintenance of these translations. This is a huge endeavor, there are thousands and thousands of pages, blocks, etc and sometimes it's all a single block with comments and markup embedded.

    Markup is stored in the database like this (for this tiny snippet

    <pre class="php"><code><span class="php-keyword">function</span> <span class="php-function-or-constant"><a href="/api/drupal/core%21modules%21action%21action.module/function/action_entity_type_build/11.x" title="Implements hook_entity_type_build()." class="local">action_entity_type_build</a></span>(array &amp;<span class="php-variable">$entity_types</span>) {
        <span class="php-comment">
        /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface[] $entity_types */</span>
        <span class="php-variable">$entity_types</span>[<span class="php-string">'action'</span>]-&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant"><a href="/api/drupal/11.x/search/setFormClass" title="Multiple implementations exist." class="local">setFormClass</a></span>(<span class="php-string">'add'</span>, ActionAddForm::class)
            -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant"><a href="/api/drupal/11.x/search/setFormClass" title="Multiple implementations exist." class="local">setFormClass</a></span>(<span class="php-string">'edit'</span>, ActionEditForm::class)
            -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant"><a href="/api/drupal/11.x/search/setFormClass" title="Multiple implementations exist." class="local">setFormClass</a></span>(<span class="php-string">'delete'</span>, <span class="php-string">'Drupal\\action\\Form\\ActionDeleteForm'</span>)
            -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant"><a href="/api/drupal/11.x/search/setListBuilderClass" title="Multiple implementations exist." class="local">setListBuilderClass</a></span>(<span class="php-string">'Drupal\\action\\ActionListBuilder'</span>)
            -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant"><a href="/api/drupal/11.x/search/setLinkTemplate" title="Multiple implementations exist." class="local">setLinkTemplate</a></span>(<span class="php-string">'delete-form'</span>, <span class="php-string">'/admin/config/system/actions/configure/{action}/delete'</span>)
            -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant"><a href="/api/drupal/11.x/search/setLinkTemplate" title="Multiple implementations exist." class="local">setLinkTemplate</a></span>(<span class="php-string">'edit-form'</span>, <span class="php-string">'/admin/config/system/actions/configure/{action}'</span>)
            -&gt;<span class="php-function-or-constant"><a href="/api/drupal/11.x/search/setLinkTemplate" title="Multiple implementations exist." class="local">setLinkTemplate</a></span>(<span class="php-string">'collection'</span>, <span class="php-string">'/admin/config/system/actions'</span>);

  • 🇪🇸Spain fjgarlin

    Then, on pages like this
    translating certain bits might be wrong, as you might be translating code, like "class" or "implements".

    For example, the content in the tables, or can't barely be translated.

  • Status changed to Closed: won't fix 8 months ago
  • 🇪🇸Spain fjgarlin

    Per #10 and #11, closing this. The source code is rendered in the language that the code is written in.

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