So I tried colorbox and various other lightbox-type modules, but Lightbox2 seems to be the only one that supports video out of the box with simple setup... But the image loading is unbearably slow.
I have a Lightbox Trigger in a view that loads 10 images attached to a node. The are all being resized via imagecache. But even after the images are generated, cycling next/prev through the lightbox modal window is really slow.
It's not the animations, I've turned those to 0 and then even 2 seconds, and timed it- animation by animation, and its just the image loading that is slow.
It will open the lightbox modal, pause for 2.5 to 3 seconds, and then load the image. Clicking next repeats the 2.5 to 3 second pause, and then loads the image again. The whole time- I'm left thinking the module isn't working because no image is showing. Then, all of a sudden it pops up.
I'm running through acquia-drupal locally right now, and made sure that the compression options that are available are being used, and the image size is less than 100kb per image.
Is there something I can do to make this faster?
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