- 🇪🇸Spain zuruckzugehen
Replying to #39, I think the merge solution is not a good one.
You can end up with two many links and there is no way to decide the order, the way you do with a menu in Drupal -what it is, in the end, the shortcuts menu.I think the solution would be having a select element with all the roles a user has and seeing the shortcuts for each role separately. The roles could be ordered by weight or by alphabetical order (perhaps in an environment with many rols the alphabetical is clearer). Of course, the default set of shortcuts would be the ones belonging to the first role in the select element.
- 🇺🇸United States socketwench
I realize I'm jumping in on an old thread, but the thought occurred to me that "role weight" feels non-obvious to the site builder. Instead, if we were to replicate the Shortcut Per Role UI in core, it would make the most sense to set the assignment weights there by dragging the roles up and down in the preferred selection order. Then, the "default" set would be selected by the first role/user match with the lightest weight.