Just came with this solution for a project I am currently working on.
This will sort columns like this
a d g
b e h
c f
and add alternating even/odd classes to rows.
I'm not crafty enough to make a patch and tought maybe you can use this code and add an option somewhere for this display variant.
To make it work replace the entire last foreach loop in views_bonus_panel.module with the code below
$splitPoint = ceil(count($rows)/$columns);
$rowclass = "";
foreach ($rows as $offset => $row) {
$rowclass = ($offset%2 == 0) ? "views-row views-row-even" : "views-row views-row-odd";
if ($offset <= $splitPoint) {
$x = 0;
} elseif ($offset <= 2*$splitPoint) {
$x = 1;
} else {
$x = 2;
$content[$col_names[$x]] .= "<div class='{$rowclass}'>" . $row . "</div>";
Closed: outdated