Account created on 6 January 2010, over 14 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

The 3 "Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible (Drupal.Semantics.FunctionT.NotLiteralString)" errors will remain, as we can't write that code in any other form.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

kriboogh made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

I'll closed this one, and start fresh for 11.x at 3450553, is gonna be easier then trying to rebase all this. work will continue there.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

@kristiaanvandeneynde sure, it's not pretty though :D
We had to do some specific stuff with config, which might have been only related to our project. But I'll keep it in.

Disclaimer: To anyone else reading this, this is specific project code given as an example, do not run this blindly on your production site !!!

function my_module_update_9000(&$sandbox) {

  // See patch
  \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('locale.settings')->set('update_default_config_langcodes', FALSE)->save();

  // 1. Fix config.
  $db = \Drupal::database();
    ->condition('collection', 'language.en')
    ->condition('name', '')

  // Make sure the default config is set up as 'en'.
  $default_langcode = \Drupal::languageManager()->getDefaultLanguage()->getId();
  $default_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('');
  if ($default_config->get('langcode') == $default_langcode) {

    // Keep the default langcode name, we need it for the new override.
    $old_default_config_data = $default_config->getRawData();

    // Change the default langcode to english.
    $default_config->set('langcode', 'en');

    // Check if we have an english translation override, copy over its values.
    $config_en_translation = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguageConfigOverride('en', '');
    if (!$config_en_translation->isNew()) {
      $default_config->set('name', $config_en_translation->get('name'));
      $default_config->set('mail', $config_en_translation->get('mail'));

    // Create a new language override for the default langcode and store
    // the old values.
    if (!empty($old_default_config_data['name']) || !empty($old_default_config_data['mail'])) {
      $config_default_langcode_translation = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguageConfigOverride($default_langcode, '');
      if (!empty($old_default_config_data['name'])) {
        $config_default_langcode_translation->set('name', $old_default_config_data['name'] ?? '');
      if (!empty($old_default_config_data['mail'])) {
        $config_default_langcode_translation->set('mail', $old_default_config_data['mail'] ?? '');

  // Now cleanup the language overrides, they should only contain the site name and mail.
  foreach (\Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguages() as $langcode => $language) {
    if ($default_config->get('langcode') != $langcode) {
      // Only do overrides, skip the default config.
      $config_translation = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguageConfigOverride($langcode, '');
      if (!$config_translation->isNew()) {
        // Ignore non existing overrides.

  // 2. Check all default config langcodes and check if a language override
  // exists with the same langcode. Fix that.
  $query_string = <<<MYSQL
    SELECT, c1.collection
    FROM config c1, (SELECT,
        REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_SUBSTR(, 's:8:"langcode";s:2:"(..)"'), '.*s:2:"(..)"', '\\\\1') as langcode
        FROM config c
          c.collection = ''
 REGEXP 's:8:"langcode";s:2:".."'
        ) as clang
    WHERE =
    c1.collection = CONCAT('language.', clang.langcode)

  $rows = $db->query($query_string, [], ['allow_delimiter_in_query' => TRUE])->fetchAllAssoc('name');
  foreach ($rows as $row) {
      ->condition('collection', $row->collection)
      ->condition('name', $row->name)

  // 3. Swap default language config with language.en overrides.
  $query_string = <<<MYSQL
    SELECT c1.*
    FROM config c1, (SELECT FROM config c2 WHERE c2.collection = '' AND REGEXP 's:8:"langcode";s:2:"{$default_langcode}"') as c2
    WHERE = and c1.collection = 'language.en'

  $rows = $db->query($query_string, [], ['allow_delimiter_in_query' => TRUE])->fetchAllAssoc('name');
  foreach ($rows as $name => $row) {

    $default_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable($name);
    $english_config_override = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguageConfigOverride('en', $name);

    if (!$english_config_override->isNew() && !$default_config->isNew()) {
      // Only do this if both configs already exist!
      // Copy the english override into the default config and change it
      // to english.
      $english_config_override_data = $english_config_override->get();
      $default_config_data = $default_config->getRawData();
      $english_default_data = array_replace_recursive($default_config_data, $english_config_override_data);
      $default_config->set('langcode', 'en');

      // Now take the original default config values and create a new
      // language override with the default language. Store only the keys
      // from the default config that where present in the english override.
      $default_config_override = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguageConfigOverride($default_langcode, $name);
      $default_config_override_data = array_intersect_key_recursive_values_2($english_config_override_data, $default_config_data);

      // Delete the english override.


 * Do a recursive key intersect but return values from array 2.
 * @param array $array1
 * @param array $array2
 * @return array
function array_intersect_key_recursive_values_2(array $array1, array $array2) : array {

  $intersection = [];

  foreach ($array1 as $key => $value) {
    if (isset($array2[$key])) {
      if (is_array($array1[$key]) && is_array($array2[$key])) {
        $intersection[$key] = array_intersect_key_recursive_values_2($array1[$key], $array2[$key]);
      else {
        $intersection[$key] = $array2[$key];

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

I think that by allowing the config_langcode to be configurable like that, you're gonna end up in the same mess if someone changes that config will the site already has config in the first language.

By having a default config in EN always and have the language config overrides system (which already is in place and working) deal with the translations, everything should basically work out of the box (sort of). The only problem is "fixing" existing websites when we introduce this fixed EN config langcode.

We have done this in a current project. Basically you need to get all default config that was stored in the current default language (for example NL). Change the langcode of the default config to EN. WE now have a EN default config with NL data. So look if a EN config override exists. If there is, swap all data from the EN override into the new EN default. If there isn't an EN override, look for the original EN source strings of the data in the NL data and copy that into the new default EN config. To create a NL override, we can either let core create it (by looking up the translations through locale, or copy the old default translatable NL keys (labels, text,...) from the original NL default config into the new NL override.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Added a basic test to see if the drupalSetting is set in javascript if supportsCredentials is set in config.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

kriboogh changed the visibility of the branch 3338518-cors-ajax-101 to hidden.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

kriboogh changed the visibility of the branch 3338518-cors-is-not to hidden.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Haven't experimented with other modules outside the "openai" ones. But I though to generalise it, since it's a public service you can use it directly, only then you will need to catch the exception yourself if you don't want a wsod. All code in this module should use the api class though. In that case we could then just deal with all of this in the api class and let other modules figure it out themselves if they decide to directly use the client. It's also a possible route to take of course.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Indeed, I first added the catches to the \Drupal\openai\OpenAIApi class, but the problem (if you can call it that) is that I noticed some code is calling the client service directly, not using the wrapping OpenAiApi class. So any code using the service directly would bypass the checks. By doing it in the Client, all code is covered. But as you mentioned, it creates a dependency on the openai php client class.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Just discovered that this patch actually needs the core patch mentioned in
This core patch solves the problem that when a batch is set in a submit handler for a form entity, the subsequent calls to entity save are not callable.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

So the above merge request removes the event subscriber.

Instead, a wrapper is made around the OpenAI\Client, where each contract call is checked if the config is set or not. If not a new exception is thrown (ApiKeyNotConfiguredException). This exception is then catched by the OpenAiApi class, and logs the exception as before but also displays a messenger error if the user has permissions to configure the settings.
I also took the opportunity to use the interface (ClientContract) instead of the class for Client in the constructors. Same for the return types of the OpenAiAPi methods (they should return the Contract interfaces, not the classes).

I noticed some code instantiating the openai.client service directly instead of using the OpenAiApi service. Code doing that, should be responsible for dealing with exceptions in the contract calls itself. So this patch doesn't cover that (yet). Only if you call the OpenAiApi methods, the message will be shown.

There is also two helpers methods added, to prepareParameters and processResults for Contract calls being made.
This could in the future be used to send out events (for example OpenAiPrepareParametersEvent and OpenAiProcessResultsEvent) so other modules could hook into that. This is not yet implemented and perhaps is not in scope of this issue.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

@gbyte, well actually we don't need the patch anymore, because I rewrote our code to deal with the queue differently.
(But it was the patch from @Ihnatsevych #4 that initially worked).

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

After re-reviewing this, we updated our UrlGenerator plugin to not store the actual entities in the queue items as this wasn't a good idea in the first place I think. We now just store the entity id in the queue item and load each entity on-demand when the queue item is processed.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

We are also experiencing this issue with core Media classes being stored in the queue items.
The patch #4, works as a workaround.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

I think the whole config translation system should be simplified and could be solved if:
- "default" config (the yml config files shipped with modules), is always in langcode "en" and contains English strings (obviously).
- All module translations are loaded and imported before the config is imported, so string translation is available.
- For each default English config, a language override is created when installing a site in a different language or when additional languages are added. So a site with languages NL and FR, with FR the default language, has English configs and two overridden configs in Dutch and French.
That way you can switch default site language whenever you want, as much as you want, add languages, delete them. Without default config ever needed to be updated.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

This seems to be working for us. So if someone can review, maybe add some more tests?

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Ah, yes, we are on the official release 8.x-1.1, that doesn't yet have the check you mentioned. But it is indeed the file does not exists warning.
But then again, why run code on file's that aren't PDF's anyway ?

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Should be fixed with 1.1.3.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Thanks, couple of things based on the diff.

So working with a batch is great, but the way it is implemented, all users are still loaded in one call. We need to initialise a sandbox inside the batch context, load all user id's there using just a entity query on the user storage and then let batch iterate over them (either per user or in batches of lets say 100 users) until we are finished.

Setting up the batch can also be done using the BatchBuilder class.

The methods of the new class don't use dependency injection. So either solve that, or move the batch handling into the existing service and just add the dependency injection for the messenger service there.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

#40 works for us.

I think config management in drupal should be that, all config is considered English always and if you install a different language, translatable keys in config are then dealt with using normal locale translation by default, or by a language config override if that's present.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

I think you could just add it to the /core/rebuild.php file, and do a curl call to that instead.
So, modify rebuild.php like so:

  // Clear user cache for all major platforms.
  $user_caches = [

Should become:

  // Clear user cache for all major platforms.
  $user_caches = [

Then drush cr can do a call to /rebuild.php.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Closing this, since there is no response anymore. If needed you can reopen with more details on the produced error.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Should be fixed, please review with later dev version.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

kriboogh made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

There is already a possibility to alter the url right before the redirect happens using:

function my_module_multi_domain_login_url(&$url, &$domain) {
  // Alter $url here.

If you need more control, it is also possible to write a configuration override in your custom module and make it cache dependent on the user.

namespace Drupal\my_module\Config;

class MyModuleOverrides implements ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadOverrides($names) {
    $overrides = [];
    if (in_array("multi_domain_login.settings", $names)) {
      // Do custom stuff here to determine the $url.
      $overrides["multi_domain_login.settings"] = [
        'redirect_success' => $url,

    return $overrides;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCacheableMetadata($name) {
    $cache = new CacheableMetadata();
    return $cache;

If this could suit your needs, please close this ticket or reset to "needs work" than we will look into it.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Removed old code.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

kriboogh made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

kriboogh made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

The reset button was still visible if a user had reorder permissions but no reset permissions. The merge request fixes this.
(Added patch of MR11 for secure use in composer).

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

Can confirm that #11 works. (user only having order terms permission now sees the table drag features).

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

I agree with @borisson_ on using Option A, putting declare on a separate line. Option B would create a mess if you would use multiple declare statements (in the future), which are part of PHP syntax. So besides a coding standard for just "declare(strict_types=1);" It would be better to look at the global picture and define a coding standard for using "declare" statements al together. (

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

I think something went wrong here for the merge requests. :/

🇧🇪Belgium kriboogh

I fixed this in our case, by running a updb hook in one of our custom modules and including the editoria11y updb hooks (so no need to fiddle in the db).

function my_module_update_9000(&$sandbox) {
  Drupal::moduleHandler()->loadInclude("editoria11y", "install");
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