kunals131 โ created an issue.
Update: Video Demonstration
- Implemented Workspace APIs including task management
- Implemented CRUD Routes for Blogs with front-end integration
- Integrated complete Project functionality
- Implemented Contribution flow for mentor and contributor
- Integrated Login and Register APIs in front-end
- Implemented authorization on routes and backend APIs.
- Implemented User's APIs for searching, listing and editing
- Integrate all the remaining APIs for which the front-end is developed including workspace functionality, work submissions, and tasks management.
- Implement feedback functionality on work submissions by adding comments.
- Set up Web sockets and socket.io on the front end to enable chat functionality.
- Create the necessary content types for chats, such as Chat Room and Chat Message.
- Integrate and create all APIs related to Chat functionality.
- Implement Workspace chat functionality with all required features and functionalities.
- Add conversations preview to the dashboard, including chats referencing the workspace.
- Integrate all APIs related to Workspace chat functionality. Note that these APIs will be similar to general chat, but chat rooms will reference the workspace.
- Add Notification functionality for messages and feedback on work submissions.
Update Duration: 28 June - 10 July
Tasks Completed:
- Implemented Navigation between pages.
- Created edit profile page
- Created notification sidebar.
- Implemented custom drupal module for authentication.
- Implement GET: /login and POST: /register routes and GET: /revalidate-user.
- Implemented custom authentication provider.
- Implemented Route authorization and protected routes in drupal as well as Next.Js.
- Implemented Loading States UI.
- Implement custom CRUD Routes for Blogs.
- Implement custom CRUD Routes for Projects.
- Integrate Blog and Project functionality
- Integrate Login and Register Pages with APIs
- Learn about working of socket with drupal for chat implementation
Update Duration: 20 June - 27 June
Tasks Completed:
- Workspace Todo UI functionality with state
- Created custom modules for authentication
- Exploring more about custom modules and plugins
- Created and configured views for Blog and Project Content types with rest end points.
- Fixed and completed Chat UI.
- Created page for create blog
To-do (to be done before the end of this week)
- Implement custom authorized routes.
- Configure Drupal backend for all other content types
- Learn more about how to work with custom APIs.
Update Duration: 28 May - 19 June
Tasks Completed:
- Git Setup
- Drupal Local Setup
- Created wireframes of some additional pages on Figma
- Developed Front-end of 8 primary screens (Pages)
- Explore Page
- User Page
- Projects Page
- Project Detail Page
- Workspace Page
- Authentication Pages (login/signup)
- General Chat
- Workspaces Management
- Created and configured some initially required content types on Drupal.
- Setup next-drupal to interact with Drupal from next-js front-end
- Explore secure methods to implement authentication and authorization.
Challenges Faced:
A significant challenge while developing the project so far was the efficient and easy way to integrate the Drupal back-end with my next js front-end. I came across this library called Next Drupal which provides a set of extensions in Drupal and exposes a drupal-client in the front-end which is used to interact with the back-end using the Rest-APIs with some additional configuration.
Last Commit:
- Implement Authentication and Authorization.
- Implement front-end for drag and drop in tasks, complete workspace UI with all animations and interactions
- Implement front-end for blog page, create blog page, create project page
- Integrate Drupal using Rest-APIs and complete the functionality for all the implemented front-end pages
kunals131 โ made their first commit to this issueโs fork.
kunals131 โ created an issue.
@_utsavsharma Applied patch #63 for 10.1.x
Hello @muthu12345 sir,
My name is Kunal Sangtiani and I am a 3rd year IT student studying at IET-DAVV Indore, India.
I have extensive experience in full-stack web development, particularly in React.Js, Node.Js, Express.Js, Php, Python, and MongoDB. I have completed multiple projects where I have utilized these skills and gained proficiency in these technologies.
Your proposed project for building a learning management system in Drupal for GSOC students is particularly interesting to me. I believe that my skillset makes me a perfect fit for this project. I am excited to collaborate with you and learn from your expertise in this field.
I believe that this project will be an excellent opportunity for me to learn and grow as a developer, while also contributing to a collaborative tool that will benefit future students. I am confident in my ability to complete this project with dedication and hard work.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kunal-sangtiani-4373581bb/
Github: https://github.com/kunals131
Portfolio: https://www.kunaldev.tech/portfolio