๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณIndia @kunals131

Account created on 12 March 2023, almost 2 years ago

Recent comments

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณIndia kunals131

Update: Video Demonstration


  1. Implemented Workspace APIs including task management
  2. Implemented CRUD Routes for Blogs with front-end integration
  3. Integrated complete Project functionality
  4. Implemented Contribution flow for mentor and contributor
  5. Integrated Login and Register APIs in front-end
  6. Implemented authorization on routes and backend APIs.
  7. Implemented User's APIs for searching, listing and editing


  1. Integrate all the remaining APIs for which the front-end is developed including workspace functionality, work submissions, and tasks management.
  2. Implement feedback functionality on work submissions by adding comments.
  3. Set up Web sockets and socket.io on the front end to enable chat functionality.
  4. Create the necessary content types for chats, such as Chat Room and Chat Message.
  5. Integrate and create all APIs related to Chat functionality.
  6. Implement Workspace chat functionality with all required features and functionalities.
  7. Add conversations preview to the dashboard, including chats referencing the workspace.
  8. Integrate all APIs related to Workspace chat functionality. Note that these APIs will be similar to general chat, but chat rooms will reference the workspace.
  9. Add Notification functionality for messages and feedback on work submissions.
๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณIndia kunals131

Update Duration: 28 June - 10 July

Tasks Completed:

  1. Implemented Navigation between pages.
  2. Created edit profile page
  3. Created notification sidebar.
  4. Implemented custom drupal module for authentication.
  5. Implement GET: /login and POST: /register routes and GET: /revalidate-user.
  6. Implemented custom authentication provider.
  7. Implemented Route authorization and protected routes in drupal as well as Next.Js.
  8. Implemented Loading States UI.


  1. Implement custom CRUD Routes for Blogs.
  2. Implement custom CRUD Routes for Projects.
  3. Integrate Blog and Project functionality
  4. Integrate Login and Register Pages with APIs
  5. Learn about working of socket with drupal for chat implementation
๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณIndia kunals131

Update Duration: 20 June - 27 June

Tasks Completed:

  1. Workspace Todo UI functionality with state
  2. Created custom modules for authentication
  3. Exploring more about custom modules and plugins
  4. Created and configured views for Blog and Project Content types with rest end points.
  5. Fixed and completed Chat UI.
  6. Created page for create blog

To-do (to be done before the end of this week)

  1. Implement custom authorized routes.
  2. Configure Drupal backend for all other content types
  3. Learn more about how to work with custom APIs.
๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณIndia kunals131

Update Duration: 28 May - 19 June

Tasks Completed:

  1. Git Setup
  2. Drupal Local Setup
  3. Created wireframes of some additional pages on Figma
  4. Developed Front-end of 8 primary screens (Pages)
    • Explore Page
    • User Page
    • Projects Page
    • Project Detail Page
    • Workspace Page
    • Authentication Pages (login/signup)
    • General Chat
    • Workspaces Management
  5. Created and configured some initially required content types on Drupal.
  6. Setup next-drupal to interact with Drupal from next-js front-end
  7. Explore secure methods to implement authentication and authorization.

Challenges Faced:

A significant challenge while developing the project so far was the efficient and easy way to integrate the Drupal back-end with my next js front-end. I came across this library called Next Drupal which provides a set of extensions in Drupal and exposes a drupal-client in the front-end which is used to interact with the back-end using the Rest-APIs with some additional configuration.

Last Commit:

Front-end Branch : Init


  1. Implement Authentication and Authorization.
  2. Implement front-end for drag and drop in tasks, complete workspace UI with all animations and interactions
  3. Implement front-end for blog page, create blog page, create project page
  4. Integrate Drupal using Rest-APIs and complete the functionality for all the implemented front-end pages
๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณIndia kunals131

kunals131 โ†’ made their first commit to this issueโ€™s fork.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณIndia kunals131

Hello @muthu12345 sir,

My name is Kunal Sangtiani and I am a 3rd year IT student studying at IET-DAVV Indore, India.

I have extensive experience in full-stack web development, particularly in React.Js, Node.Js, Express.Js, Php, Python, and MongoDB. I have completed multiple projects where I have utilized these skills and gained proficiency in these technologies.

Your proposed project for building a learning management system in Drupal for GSOC students is particularly interesting to me. I believe that my skillset makes me a perfect fit for this project. I am excited to collaborate with you and learn from your expertise in this field.

I believe that this project will be an excellent opportunity for me to learn and grow as a developer, while also contributing to a collaborative tool that will benefit future students. I am confident in my ability to complete this project with dedication and hard work.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kunal-sangtiani-4373581bb/
Github: https://github.com/kunals131
Portfolio: https://www.kunaldev.tech/portfolio

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