- Issue created by @Gold
- Merge request !86Use the entity label rather than the machine name in the ID. → (Open) created by Gold
- last update
11 months ago 29 pass, 3 fail
When looking for existing forms using the form ID a search of the page at /admin/config/people/captcha/captcha-points for the form ID did not return any hits. The site us using webforms, long form names and paragraphs so the form IDs are long and the machine names are truncated.
If the full form ID was presented on the Captcha Points list this wouldn't be an issue.
Add a new captcha point. Fake the issue by editing the generated machine name. Return to the Captcha Points list and you won't see your Form ID, just the machine name.
Present the Form ID rather than the machine name in the list of Captcha Points.
Values under Captcha Point form ID will be the Form ID.
User interface